Curriculum Statement
RE is fundamental to understanding, appreciating and responding to the world in which we live. At Tillingbourne we want our pupils to become mindful, inquisitive learners who are responsible members of society and who show mutual respect towards others. Our RE curriculum provides pupils with the knowledge and understanding of a range of religions which supports them to participate positively in our society of diverse religions and worldviews. Pupils are challenged and encouraged through the RE Curriculum; we want them to explore and discover by asking questions about life, to find out what people believe and what difference this makes to how people live so that they can make sense of religion as well as reflecting on their own ideas and the way they themselves live. Our curriculum is inclusive, celebrates diversity, promotes pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and develops respect and tolerance to prepare our pupils for life in modern Britain.
At Tillingbourne we follow the Surrey Agreed Syllabus. RE is taught discretely throughout the year and builds upon prior learning. RE has strong links to SMSC in the curriculum. All religions and their communities are treated with mutual respect. We use language which is respectful, without bias and which encourages children to develop their own views. Where possible we link learning to children’s own lives as well as using stories, artefacts, artwork, visits/visitors to enhance engagement, promote discussion and challenging conversations and deepen children’s understanding of religious and world views.
The main impact of effective RE at Tillingbourne is that our pupils will have a stronger awareness of the world around them and will be respectful of the beliefs of others. Children will feel their beliefs are valued. They will feel safe to learn new things and share their beliefs with others in an accepting environment. Our pupils have a good depth of knowledge and can make connections between learning.