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Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

Welcome to the SEND section of the school website.

Tillingbourne Junior School is dedicated to providing the best possible support for children with SEND. It will support every pupil to realise their full potential and optimise their self-esteem. We work closely with pupils, parents/carers and outside agencies to make this happen.

Tillingbourne provides a selection of support and interventions through the Graduated Approach – Assess, Plan, Do, Review.

There are four main areas of need as identified by the SEND Code of Practice 2014:

  • Communication and Interaction
  • Cognition and Learning
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health
  • Physical and Sensory Needs

Surrey’s Local Offer, Profile of Needs School, can be accessed at:


We understand there is nothing better than seeing a school first hand - so please feel free to contact the school office to arrange a visit: We look forward to seeing you.

Ms G O'Meara -  SENDCo

Mrs S Cansell -  Specialist SEND TA

School Office: 01483 504384

Email SENDCo: sendco@tillingbourne.surrey.sch.uk

TB Sept 2018-1398
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