Curriculum Statement
At Tillingbourne we believe that personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education is an important and necessary part of all pupils’ education. The intention of our PSHE and RSE teaching is to enable pupils to develop their emotional literacy and social skills, being aware of their own thoughts and feelings as they happen and developing strategies to help manage them. As the children progress through the school, they will build on their knowledge and strategies to make informed decisions and explore all areas of the subject.
In all year groups, teachers will plan using the year group scheme of work. The curriculum is divided into four segments: Relationships, Living in the Wider World, Being Healthy & Safe and Being the Best I Can Be. The Tillingbourne school values (Aspirational, Resilient, Responsible, Confident, Caring and Curious) are taught explicitly through the PSHE curriculum. The Rights of Children as outlined by UNICEF are embedded in the curriculum and all areas of school life. In lessons, teachers will lead discussions and provide opportunities for questions to further develop the children’s learning.
Tillingbourne children will leave Year 6 with the skills required to successfully live in today’s world and their next phase of education. Pupils will be able to put their knowledge into practice as they develop the capacity to make sound decisions when facing risks, challenges and complex contexts.